Day 13: Creative

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Having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas. This can mean being inventive, imaginative, innovative, experimental, or original. I believe that we all have the ability to be creative, it just all looks different from the next - which is is the point!

Now stick with me because maybe the “I’m not creative” line drifted through your mind. That’s a load of hogwash. Because to be creative is to problem solve, to come up with ideas during your day, to find a way to relate to a stranger, to try a new seasoning in your favorite dish. It is a drive to live, to make families, to take risks!

God’s first charge towards us humans was “be fruitful and multiply...” (Gen. 1:28) Be fruitful. He made us to inspire on another. He was calling Adam and Eve not just to procreate but to live their lives to the fullest, free from fear. .
Your right as a human is to tap into ingenuity, which is synonymous with creativity, and complete your calling and dreams with excellence not perfection. Excellence requires creativity.

What is stopping you from something new, and what is stopping you from marrying creativity into the avenue where you invest your time? The beginning stages are always a mess, typically odd and a bit ugly. But that is what learning to do something new is like, it’s odd and strange and sometimes ugly. But that is why we must have a confident resolve that time and effort will lead to something beautiful!

And maybe you are in a season or time that has been hard, changing, ever evolving, or in the cusp of something. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing may you truly live and trust that there is purpose in the creative dance of life - messy, can look ugly, uncertain and you would rather start over. Don’t Beloved. Keep going, keep creating, keep stepping today and walk in confidence knowing that He who started a good work will see it through to completion!


Day 14: Sound


Day 12: Bridge Builders