“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”-Mary Oliver
A passion for community, Jesus, and beauty.
My name is Alysa and I love capturing beauty in the midst of the day in and day out journey. Whether that is a hike in the mountains, cooking in the kitchen, a swim in the ocean, or a wild trip to the opposite side of the world I love taking small moments and see the profound within them. Within all of this is truly capturing the heart and beauty of Jesus for everyone to experience, see, and take a pause to notice. Most of my favorite moments involving both of these is revolving around community - gathered around the table, going on a walk in the cool breeze of the evening, sharing stories, or experiencing something new together. There is beauty that can be found everywhere and my hope and prayer is that we have eyes to see it.
Dabbling in photography and writing these are just some of the ways I like to take the moments depicted above and invite others into - to try and make them eternal some how. With this is a deep desire to see people set free, to be their truest selves through Jesus. That is why I have a heart for the nations, to go and share the good news of the Kingdom of God to the lost, broken, and abused; that they may taste and see that He is good!
And you are invited. Yes, you are invited to this table, this journey, this family. It is a place where stories are shared, where discussion happens and it’s not always perfectly put together - it’s real, raw, honest, true, and beautiful. Where we don't come to prove or to conquer. To come with need, with fragility, with an admission of our humanity. This is a place of safety and rest, where we are allowed to be as fragile as we feel. A place to foster intentionality, depth, vulnerability, truth, to help each other defeat the odds, to strengthen, build up, encourage, laugh, cry, celebrate, fight for each other, love one another, and accept each other as we come to the table. You, yes all of you is welcomed here, and I hope you are excited for the journey!