Two Diamonds

Both are made from dust, forged through the pressure of the earth.

Both are imperfect, un-refined, yet filled with beauty that is hidden to the untrained human eye.

That is until one looks upon them both, a Master Cutter and He says “You two will make a mighty fine pair for what I’m creating.”

He takes hold of them both placing them upon the table with water running over them, He begins the process of cutting them.

Neither of them knew though it would actually take the other to form and shape one another.

The Master Cutter continues His work even though the process is difficult and painful at times for the diamonds. For He knows the beauty that is inside as He continues to form and shape them both - He has the bigger picture in mind.

He then adds more pressure to them in order for them not to break as He works - again He knows what He is doing.

Finishing He takes each, the flaws are now gone and here He sees the way these two diamonds were necessary for the other; for the dust of one with the oil of the Holy Spirit to facet, polish, and refine the other into the full potential He originally created them to be.

Now taking them He places both within a golden band and together their collaborated beauty brings the work together, in full completion.

Alone they would shine, but together they radiate.


Right Here


Under The Willow Tree